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Best SEO Tips for Business

Best SEO Tips for Business

It is every business’s desire to see their business website on top of the Google search results, however, despite their best efforts they do not achieve the results they hope for. Businesses lose so much time, money and effort in finding the right strategy to get their website noticed. With the help of this blog you will hopefully understand what is SEO and how to rank high on google and other search engines.

There are several strategies available to get your website higher up in the google search results but for the purpose of this article, we shall concentrate on SEO or Search Engine Optimization. If you are not familiar with SEO then it is highly recommended that you first take some time to understand the concept of SEO.

To appear on googles top page you primarily have two options and that is Paid advertising or SEO

Paid Strategy – Google Adwords

You pay google or other search engines to display your ads on first page. This could be quite costly depending on your service, competition and campaign coverage. Paid strategy such as adwords is the quickest way of getting on to page 1. If you have the budget then this is the best way to get visibility straightaway, however, when you stop paying your business will stop showing. Adwords typically work on pay per click basis.

SEO Strategy – Organic Listing

With the SEO strategy you try to get your business website on first page of google organically or through natural listing. This option is a long-term strategy and could take months before you start appearing on page 1 of search results. SEO strategy can be done in-house (DIY) or it can be outsourced.

In-house SEO:

If you are competent in SEO or have some basic knowledge of SEO then you can implement SEO strategy yourself but this will take up a lot of your time and effort. Your web developer or you could do a basic on-page SEO pretty easily by having the following:

  • appropriate keywords in page titles, H1, H2, H3 headings and in Meta Tag Description
  • Relevant and original content
  • Ensure your images are optimized.
  • Keep the URLs short and simple
  • Write regular blogs and articles

Outsourced SEO

On-Page SEO strategy should encourage your website to rank higher but it may not be enough to achieve the full potential of your site’s ranking. In order to get the best out of your SEO strategy you would need to do an off-page SEO. Again, if you are competent in off-page SEO then you can do this yourself otherwise you would need to hire an outsourced professional SEO company to have guaranteed results. Off page SEO is more complex and extremely time consuming. Hiring a professional company for SEO can be costly, however, it is still much cheaper then paid advertising in the long run. Off page SEO involves constant working on:

  • HTML optimization(Onpage)
  • Writing high quality content
  • Establishing link building from other websites
  • Detailed keyword analysis (Onpage)
  • Blog writing
  • Directory submission
  • Social media
  • Guest posting

If you have tried in-house SEO strategy and you are not getting the results you were expecting it is highly recommended that you try to outsource your SEO to a professional company for better results. Google currently only allows 10 companies to be on page one for a given keyword and getting on to first page and remaining on first page requires a professional and experienced approach.

Outsourced SEO companies typically charge you a fixed monthly fee for the duration of your SEO campaign, you can get regular keywords ranking report to see how your keywords are ranked in the search engines. There are many SEO companies charging extortionate rates but you can find a reasonable and more competitive companies if you shop around.

I hope you found this blog interesting and beneficial in deciding whether to choose an in-hose SEO solution or an outsourced option. This blog was written with the intention of identifying the different SEO strategies and their advantages and disadvantages. For more information on SEO you can visit and our expert SEO team will be glad to help you.

Article written by: Answerpoint SEO Team, Virtual Office, Virtual Receptionist and SEO Specialists.