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How Outsourcing Customer Service can increase customer loyalty?

How Outsourcing Customer Service can increase customer loyalty?

It is often quoted in business sphere that the cost of attracting new customer is somehow costly than it costs to keep the already in-contact customers. Existing customers are in fact more loyal and committed to the business than new customers. It is because your company has already exerted some energy in the form of serving, caring and investing on quality services that are often demanded by every customer. Customer is an all-weather needed entity in any sort of business and have the potential either to shake or make the overall business. It is the customer loyalty that’s matter for the growth in business.

However, there are many ways to attract new customers into the business by enhancing business capacity. Business capacity refers to the overall range of services that a company can provide to its customers according to the demand. Business with low capacity often engaged with customer like services by their own instead of focusing on other avenues. In other words, many small businesses make the mistake of trying to handle customer service on their own. This effort on the part of any business is costly in its nature and this paper will discuss an alternate source which is often termed as Outsourcing.


Loosely speaking, Outsourcing is an agreement between two companies under which the first company hires the second one in order to undertake certain activities allowed by the first company. Specifically, companies in order to enhance their capacity usually involved outsourcing customer services and thus attract many new customers by widening their availability of duration. Outsourcing customer services can easily broaden the range of your business activities both across the regions and over the period of time.


In a sweet term, outsourcing means to provide more care and attention to your customer by enlarging his/her pool of choices. Now your customer can approach your company without any limitation of time. Yes, one of the many advantages of the outsourcing is that it makes your company in contact all the time. Outsourcing not only assures your customers a time free availability but it can also connect customers from any other regions. Following are the advantages of outsourcing.


The cost of not outsourcing customers services is high. What your company is looking for? Off-course, your company is interested in minimizing the cost associated with business and maximizing the profit. Your company needs loyal, quality and satisfied customers which is not an easy task and cannot be done by the non-professionals. Yes, outsourcing facilitators have already experts who have done their masters in these qualities, for instance, how to deal with online customers. Outsourcing provides better and required facilities in a very loo cost making it more attractive avenue. If any activity conducted by your company can satisfy your customers it means you must  try it.


Outsourcing customer services can boost business productivity by engaging more customers into the business. It is the law of nature that when more attention is paid on something you can easily attract that thing. The experts at outsourcing companies are more attentive towards their customers which is the reason that customers associated via outsourcing companies are more loyal. For instance, surveys show that more than 80% business who outsourced their customer services are happy and agreed to continue with that.


By outsourcing customer services your company is actually preserving energy to be invested in some other domain of the business. Suppose your company has decided that it is not going to outsource its customer services, now your company needs more equipment’s, more phones, more staff etc and into the process your company has lost the required energy. Since the cost of outsourcing is low compared to the alternate therefore outsourcing can generate more opportunities for investment.


One of the many benefits of outsourcing customer services is the customer quality. Customers required immediate response form the agents and it is not always possible to get engage with them. Outsourcing customer services can guarantee such immediate response needed for the satisfaction of the customer. When you outsource your customer service efforts, you are making sure your customers receive the best care possible. Customer loyalty is directly related to the satisfaction level provided by the company. The immediate response on the part of agents at outsourcing companies can increase that satisfaction level, and consequently the customer loyalty.


Customer services required energy, capital and efforts that are costly in their nature. Outsourcing customer services provide the required facilities efficiently and effectively. Customer quality can be increased by outsourcing customer services. The all-time availability, an immediate response, and quality services can increase customer loyalty. Outsourcing customer services provides all these facilities at low cost and thus crucial for business success.